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Writer's pictureNoel Torres

Sacrifices that matters...

Leader worry about the engagement and trust of his team during disruptive events

Leadership behaviors that involve making sacrifices for their team can increase engagement and trust in the workplace. Here are a few examples that can have a positive impact:
  1. Time: Leaders can sacrifice their own time to support their team members. Some examples are spending extra hours at work to help with a project, offering guidance or mentoring, or being available for one-on-one meetings to address concerns or provide feedback.

  2. Recognition: Leaders can sacrifice themselves to acknowledge and celebrate their team's achievements in circumstances such as giving credit where it's due and sharing the spotlight with those who have contributed to the team's success. By doing so, leaders foster a sense of belonging and appreciation, enhancing trust and engagement.

  3. Resources: Leaders can sacrifice their resources, such as budgets or tools, to provide their team with what they need to succeed. That might involve reallocating funds to support a team's project, providing access to training and development opportunities, or advocating for necessary equipment or technology upgrades.

  4. Personal interests: Leaders can sacrifice their interests to prioritize the needs and well-being of their team. It could involve making decisions that benefit the team's collective goals rather than individual ambitions, allowing team members to take the lead on specific initiatives, or advocating for work-life balance and employee well-being.

  5. Growth opportunities: Leaders can sacrifice their growth opportunities to invest in the development of their team members. It may involve recommending team members for promotions or opportunities for career advancement, providing them with challenging assignments that facilitate their growth, or advocating for training and professional development resources.

  6. Feedback and support: Leaders can sacrifice their comfort to provide honest feedback and support to their team. That entails offering constructive criticism, coaching team members to improve their skills, and being available to listen to concerns or address conflicts within them.

By demonstrating these sacrifices, leaders show that they genuinely care about their team's success and well-being, fostering an environment of trust, loyalty, and engagement.

But, If you feel sacrificing is too hard, a coach can assist you. Please get in touch with us at

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